Partnering By Prayer
Summer/Fall 2024
Praise God for:
- The continuing privilege of encouraging one-on-one, intentional discipleship relationships focused on spiritual multiplication. By God’s grace, these relationships are deepening as this strategy of spiritual multiplication continues to take root and flourish in churches and ministries around the world.
- Continuing conversations covering the content of Launching Multipliers! with students at Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Pastors and ministry leaders who are taking the challenge and opportunity to stimulate fruitful discipleship efforts in their various spheres of influence. We are especially grateful for churches in Texas, West Virginia, Florida, Nebraska, Haiti and India which are making Launching Multipliers! a key part of their leadership development strategy.
- The completion of the translation of Launching Multipliers! into Arabic.
- The faithful prayers and generous financial investments of scores of ministry partners God has used to provide ministry resources.
- The encouragement and faithful support of our board (Bill Marshall, Dave Salsberry, Tom Lenning and Brian Givens) as we partner with them in the mission of launching Christ-centered spiritual multipliers at home and abroad.
- The love, support, and encouragement of our families and faithful friends. We also rejoice in the way our children are raising our grandchildren (four for Ken and sixteen for Ron and Terri).
- Continued health and energy as God protects and provides for us
Pray consistently for:
- Discernment for Ken, Ron, Terri and other mature multipliers as they continue in strategic conversations through Launching Multipliers! one-on-one with key students at Dallas Theological Seminary this summer and through the year ahead. Our hope is that these multipliers will pursue this intentional discipleship model as they serve God in the U.S. and other nations in the years ahead.
- Wisdom as we continue to identify and equip spiritual multipliers. Pray especially for discernment as we help others gain skills in the rewarding process of identifying and equipping discipleship partners.
- Increased capacity to provide encouragement and sound counsel as we meet with numerous pastors/ministry leaders committed to launching multipliers through one-on-one discipleship.
- Strategic opportunities to preach and lead workshops on discipleship in the months ahead.
- Wisdom for Ron as he continues to oversee the administrative challenges of our ministry while also pursuing a vigorous focus on intentional discipleship with key men (as does Terri with faithful women).
- Our country and especially our political and religious leaders, asking God to give them wisdom and courage in the midst of the many challenges in this season, especially the continuing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the political and social turmoil affecting our nation.
- First responders and military personnel serving our country throughout the U.S. and around the world, that God will protect them and their families as they make sacrifices on our behalf.
- Many Christ followers in various places who are suffering (and even dying) for their allegiance to Christ, that God will grant them courage, comfort, and strength to persevere so that Christ will be glorified and the gospel of Christ made known.
- Joyful generosity for those who continue to invest in this ministry.