Launching Multipliers! in Honduras

In late September, I (Ron) had the opportunity to travel to northern Honduras with Executive Pastor Randy Miller of Eagles View Church in Fort Worth, Texas. What a wonderful privilege and opportunity that was!
For years Pastor Randy and EVC have invested in training pastors, building church facilities, conducting Vacation Bible Schools and just recently, helping build a medical clinic and provide vaccinations and other medications for needy people in that beautiful region of God’s world.
During this trip, Randy and I (with translators Dennis and Jerry) experienced great joy in leading and equipping over 200 pastors and church leaders from numerous towns and villages in the use of the Spanish translation of our online discipleship tool, Launching Multipliers!.  At the end of one of the training events, numerous pastors stood before other leaders in their congregations committing themselves to championing a vigorous one-on one, spiritual discipleship effort across northern Honduras.
Please pray with us for these pastors and other Great Commission-focused leaders that God will continue to equip and encourage them in this vitally important, strategic work.  Pray that God’s Spirit will lead and empower them in all their efforts to “make disciples” and help raise up other spiritual multipliers in their various communities.