God Shows Us How to Initiate Forgiveness

Did you know that you can be angry and not sin? In fact, Paul commands us to do just that in Ephesians 4.

Momentary anger alerts us to a hurt that needs attention. However, the key to healthy resolution of anger is anchored in our relationship with God, not with people.

When we see others as valued creations of God, and especially when we embrace them as members of Christ’s body, honest communication reflecting God’s love for us is the starting point for resolving anger. Addressing our hurt promptly blocks a devilish foothold for malignant consequences of unresolved anger.

Because Christ has already forgiven us as an expression of God’s love, we have both the example and empowerment to initiate forgiveness, freeing us from lingering bitterness, protecting us from Satan’s darts and opening the door to restored relationships.

~ Ken Horton

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the fourth and final installment in a series about anger.