Embrace the Interruptions

Derailing your plans might be blessing from God
Interruptions are inevitable and revealing. Whether a flat tire, a surprise visitor or a broken appliance, each day will have unexpected events which disturb or derail your plans. Your hopes to finish the project or enjoy your lunch are dashed by something or someone.
For the person fixated on accomplishment, interruptions are often an aggravation. For someone struggling to stay focused, they can be an excuse. But for the person enjoying the excitement of living intentionally in dependence mode as God’s instrument, these are moments of possible spiritual opportunity.
Sometimes the opportunity may be a few minutes for prayer and reflection as police untangle a traffic accident. However, when we encounter a surprising situation or unexpected individual (in person or on the phone), be open to the possibility that God may have plans for this moment.
You are not obligated to answer every call or help with every problem. Some calls need to be sent to voicemail and some situations need to be addressed by others. But a person in dependence mode is open to interruptions. When the indwelling Spirit stirs your awareness that this may be part of God’s good work for you, be available to open the door for at least a brief encounter. It may be quickly clear that someone else is the person for this need. Wisely (and promptly) point them in the right direction. But sometimes you have been created for that “good work.”
Some of God’s best gifts are blessings clothed as interruptions. Ask God to help you see them approaching rather than through the rear view mirror.
~ Ken Horton